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Susan M Evans
ABN: 60775518206
Irish Linen Promotion > Irish Linen
Irish Linen

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Price: $89.00
Availability: Special promotion
Prod. Code: IRISHLINEN183cm


I am very happy to have introduced this wonderful Ecclesiastic Linen recently, on the great Feast Day of the Annunciation of Our Lady.

This linen is manufactured in Ireland.  It is 183 cm wide, which is approximately 68 inches.

Irish linen cannot even begin to be compared to the cheaper Hong Kong weaves.  It is far superior, and this means, naturally better quality, and sewing this linen will be a breeze!  Now is the time to get to work on all your Sacristy sewing projects.  At this width, you could probably cut the linen in half and make two Altar cloths, or two Altar Rail cloths from the one piece.


The best way for the shipping to be worked out is for you to pay for the linen now, and when I am ready to ship your parcel, you will be billed for the shipping.  If you can pay for your order via PayPal now, it would be appreciated.

Thank you for supporting my Studio!  If you have any questions, please email me SUSAN AT SUSANMARIA DOT COM