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Susan M Evans
ABN: 60775518206
Gothic Vestments > Our Lady of Guadalupe Gothic Vestment Set
Our Lady of Guadalupe Gothic Vestment Set

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Price: $1,199.00
Prod. Code: GUADALUPE3

This is a very nice Gothic vestment design, featuring Our Lady of Guadalupe emblem on the Chasuble.  The Marian emblem can be changed to one of your choice. 

All five pieces included:  Chasuble, Stole, Burse, Maniple and Chalice Veil.

Each piece is trimmed in a rayon 3/4" Quatrafoil trimming.  The banding is a rich blue/gold 3" banding from Italy.  The quality of this banding is astonishing, and the blue seems to change hue in the light.

Entire set fully lined in pure 100% silk, in light blue shade.  The lining shade can be changed if requested: i.e. ivory or gold. 


If you have any questions, please contact me:  susan AT susanmaria DOT com